Mx. Anunnaki Ray Marquez

Anunnaki Ray Marquez is a remarkable human who was unknowingly forced into a gender identity by medical personal at birth that did not align with his internal and felt truth. Anunnaki was born on November 10, 1967 in Colorado with ambiguous genitalia. He considers himself lucky because he never received medical intervention in the form of surgery of his ‘condition’, unlike many intersex humans born in the United States. However, he was placed on hormones and sent to see a child psychologist at the young age of 3 to receive gender training due to the fact that the medical establishment identified him as a female at birth. To this day, he remembers much of his treatment and began experiencing suicide ideation at the age of 4 because he felt he did not belong in his body, or on this planet.

Anunnaki lived his life as a heterosexual woman despite knowing that this did not fit his internal sense of self or his gender identity. Living as a young woman, he once shared with a boyfriend that he felt like he was “a little gay boy” inside. Anunnaki met James, his husband in high school band class, losing touch and later reconnecting. Anunnaki and James have 3-children; two biological children, carried by Anunnaki and one adopted child.

In 2014 while surfing the web, Anunnaki came across the term ‘intersex’ which at this time, he had never heard. He admits that his knowledge of the LGBTQIA+ community was very limited, he did not even know that trans men existed–he was 46 years old. This day proved to irrevocably change Anunnaki, James and their children’s lives as he declared “I would never appear or live as a woman again!” and he’s been on his journey of self-discovery and homecoming ever since.

Anunnaki is “Proudly the First in Colorado”

to get an

Intersex Birth Certificate


2018 TEDx Jacksonville Speaker


Anunnaki is also a Poet

This poem written by Anunnaki on November 21, 2015

This is just one of many poems that Anunnaki has authored. I implore you to check out his website and peruse his poetry. It’s beautiful, insightful and touching.


Love What Matters Article: I’m a Gestational Father


What It’s Like WJCT Podcast: Anunnaki & James


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